Les actionnaires


Les actionnaires is a research group bringing together visual artists. They develop collective research originally based on instant composition. Gathered around this working method, the meeting of the artistic approaches of each, leads the artists to share processes of creation and experimentation, refining their artistic visions and participating to the emergence of a common language.

Instant composition is a practice derived from music and dance. Very close to improvisation, it is distinguished by the use of scores. This principle of composition involves the meeting of different elements, materials or chosen objects, and their use in a space in possible dialogue with bodily and sound work.

The instant compositions of les actionnaires are therefore research in which the artists experiment in a complex web of interactions framed by protocols.

Although the objective is in the experimentation itself, the process is regularly filmed and used as an archive. The documentation of the research moments allows the members of the collective to observe the conversations produced between visual material, gesture, sound element and to analyse, select the motives, and eventually adopt their narrative or aesthetic potential.

The Berlin collective came together with the invitation of Elma Riza to her Atelier LABS, where she has been offering since 2017 to merge the visual arts with the practice of instant composition. This research has developed thanks to the invited artists (Marta Colombo, Anaïs Edely, Stephanie Hanna, Renaud Héléna, Marieke Horstmann, Anne Mundo, Aurélie Pertusot). In 2019, Atelier LAB takes the form of joint research with Anaïs Edely, Renaud Héléna, Aurélie Pertusot and Elma Riza: les actionnaires.

Past actions

2022 IN SITU LAB (with Anaïs Edely, Renaud Héléna, Aurélie Pertusot & Elma Riza) in Europacity, Berlin – Germany
as part of the Europacity Vakuum Festival program - curatorial team: Florine Schüschke & Nora Spiekermann

2022 IN SITU LAB (with Renaud Héléna & Elma Riza) at Zwitschermaschine, Berlin – Germany
in the frame of the exhibition project Sensing the city - Sense of the city, curatorial team from the University of Arts Berlin, the Faculty of Fine Arts Lisbon and the Estonian academy of arts

2021 LES ACTIONNAIRES, screening at Kap.8, Münster – Germany
An invitation by Candia Neumann as part of the Open Wall program featuring Atelier LAB N°18 (with Anaïs Edely, Renaud Héléna & Elma Riza), Quarantäne (with Elma Riza) and Zone Arbitraire (with Anaïs Edely & Elma Riza)

2021 IN SITU LAB 52°28'53.2"N 13°23'11.2"E | PERFORMANCE ART FESTIVAL #6 at infinitespacegalleryfalkenfeld, Berlin – Germany
An invitation by Sporadikos__Gemelos 2000 (with Anaïs Edely, Renaud Héléna, Aurélie Pertusot & Elma Riza) as part of the PAF 2021 program

2021 IMMER WENN ES DUNKEL WIRD, screening at Gmünder Kunstverein, Schwäbisch Gmünd – Germany
featuring Signalétique de Confinement (with Anaïs Edely), Quarantäne (with Elma Riza) and Zone Arbitraire (with Anaïs Edely & Elma Riza) next to the positions of Max Raymann, Klaus Ripper, Luzia Maria Deerks, Ruppe Koselleck, Andreas Drewer, Candia Neuman & Ragnar Kopka, Margot Degand, Elke Hennen, Patrick Borchers, Alex Wahl, Cornelia Rößler, Wolf Becke, Mitsuko Hoshino, Stanislaus Müller-Härlin, Silvia Liebig & Richard Opoku-Agyemang, Manuel Thomas, Finja Sander

2020 VIDEOS EX MACHINA, screening at R., Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin – Germany
featuring Plastic Picnic and Granit Picnic (with Anaïs Edely & Johannes Mundinger) next to the positions of Paul Wick, Adam Wakeling, Vianca Reinig & Philipp Schmidt, Finja Sander, Lars Roeper, Robert Brandes, Barbara Proschak, Regina Kelaita, Nora Heinisch, Vincenzo Fagnani, Manja Ebert, Christine Gensheimer & Renke Brandt

2020 L'ENVIE, series of 10 invitations (with the residents & Anaïs Edely) in the Health Structure CH Aire-sur-la-Lys – France
artist presence supported by the DRAC (Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs) and the ARS (Regional Direction of Health) Hauts-de-France, as part of the Culture Santé 2020 program

2020 HOW MUCH SPACE DO WE HAVE?, an answer to Petra Gell (by Elma Riza) at Galerie Philomena, Wien – Austria
in the frame of Petra Gell & Elma Riza's duo exhibition How to make a bee-line?

2020 IN SITU LAB (with Renaud Héléna & Elma Riza) at galerie weisser elefant, Berlin – Germany
in the frame of Elma Riza's solo exhibition Logique d'espaces supported by the Art and Culture department of Berlin Mitte district

2019 COMPOSE, series of invitations (with the KILANI Group employees & Elma Riza) at La Boîte, contemporary art space, Tunis – Tunesia


Anaïs Edely

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Visual Identity | studio LEG | https://studio-leg.com
Webdesign | IDFABRIK | https://idfabrik.com
Videos | Anaïs Edely, Renaud Héléna, Aurélie Pertusot & Elma Riza
Font | Infini | for the Centre national des arts plastiques | by Sandrine Nugue | https://www.sandrinenugue.com
Webhosting | OVH GmbH | Dudweiler Landstraße 5 | 66123 Saarbrücken

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